
Vessels Attended


Types of Services


Types of Vessels


No.of Ports


Our name is inspired by a Roman Goddess named “Salus”. She is the Goddess of Safety and Well-Being, of both the individual and the state.

Our maritime services focus on Client’s most critical issues and valuable assets: Health, Safety & Well-Being, of crew and vessel performance, which is vital for any successful business.


Our mission is to work with our clients to enhance the Health, Safety and Well-Being of their seafarers whilst maintaining a strong focus on environmental protection and operational effectiveness.

We achieve this by working with our clients to build an: –

  • Effective and robust onboard safety management culture,
  • Adherence to safe working practices,
  • Enhancing seafarer welfare
  • Improving the overall operational effectiveness of the vessel.



To provide a bespoke service to our clients, we have developed a sophisticated in-house CRM (Customer Relationship Management) System. Leading Marine industry Health and Safety Professionals have contributed to the platform design (IQ-CRM) specifically for the marine industry.

Inspections and Assessments

Digitalised so that key data is recorded and transformed into intelligent data that will promote effective client informed decisions

Efficient and Definitive Data Analysis

Providing interpretation of the fleet health continuously year on year

Drill Down on Specific Non-Compliances

To develop a detailed understanding of areas where compliance is vital and needs attention.

Seamless Export of Data and Analysis

To client-specific format, allowing users to integrate with their in-house systems

On-Going Developments

Development of cloud-based inspection platform where consultants can start using intrinsically safe Windows/Android/Mac tablets for carrying out inspections onboard vessels and uploading them in the cloud at the first opportunity thereby reducing the time and saving operational costs for the clients


Our Values

Service Excellence

Delivering a positive impact on our client's business


Uphold the highest standards of integrity in all our actions


Experience and Knowledge you can always trust


Creative solutions to individual problems


We have a global association of 250+ senior Master Mariners, Chief engineers, Naval architects, Vetting Inspectors & Consultant Surveyors with decades of seagoing experience, supported by an office team having extensive years in shore-based senior positions with premier shipping companies.

As an independent consultancy establishment, with no affiliation to any shipping company or organisations, we are empowered to provide an unbiased, factual, and consistently high-quality service for our clients to make informed decisions.


  • Navigational Assessments: Evaluate the practices and skill set of the Bridge Team management, in live onboard navigational situations. The assessment also includes the Human Element, Behavioural Competency, Knowledge, and technical skills of the Bridge Team, as per their rank during our onboard attendance. Bespoke training will also be carried out within attendance where possible to establish safer navigational practices and strengthen the Bridge Team effectiveness
  • Remote Navigational Assessment: Our accredited Auditors carry out full review of the Bridge Team procedures, VDR data, passage plan, voyage documents against company policies & best practices. A written report is produced with, observations, recommendations with evidence to illustrate any key points and actions required
  • Internal Audits: Our accredited Auditors can carry out ISM, ISPS, MLC and verify the implementation of Company’s SMS requirements.Our aim is to define non-conformities that may endanger the safety of the vessel and ensure a pragmatic solution is provided immediately, to minimise potential risks
  • Mooring& Cargo Audits: Assessment of the operational practices and compliances with industry and company procedures. Focus is given on the leadership, technical skills, and team management. we normally combine the above audits along with navigation or internal audit services to maximise the value during our presence in ensuring a safe operation for the above activities.
  • Bespoke Investigations / Audits / Training: Our technical team of expert consultants can carry out internal investigations , bespoke audits and training on safety, technical or other areas of concern as needed by the client

Our CSI inspection service, is designed to allow Clients to demonstrate an on-going external inspection facility for their ships as a means to: –

  • Identify any weak process, procedures and work culture on board which may lead to high-risk incidents or accidents.
  • Provide solutions in mitigating the risk findings and assist the management in preventing re-occurrences
  • Assist the vessel with successful oil major vetting, port state control inspections and 3rd party external audit or inspections.

The inspection form is not a ‘box-ticking’ exercise but designed to provide the managers with a clear overview of the standard of safe operation of his vessel, supported with evidence and solutions.

Our Safety Consultant will assess training needs based on an initial inspection of the vessel; through close consultation with the Master, Senior Officers, and Management; with consideration of the experience and ability of the crew.

Our approach in training utilizes a,“mentoring/guiding process”. There is never a blame or finger-pointing culture involved. We believe the crew, are the most important asset, and with the right guidance, motivation and training, will deliver a safer workplace for all parties.

It’s important for each crew member to know their shortcomings and “learn the right way” to carry out their tasks and duties. Finally, the safety of his colleagues, the ship and the environment is the highest priority for everyone.

Where necessary, training will incorporate:

  • Understanding of the Safety Management System (SMS) – particularly on risk assessment (R.A), permit to work (PTW), isolation control, Stress and fatigue management.
  • Crew preparedness in case of emergencies / high-risk situations
  • Bespoke “competence assessment” and training as required for critical operations
  • Procedures and methods of communication and allocation of duties and responsibilities on board
  • Actions to be taken to regain control of a situation, including planning, and management of crew training programme

The utilisation of onboard training material backed by best industry practices, e.g. Shell Resilience program, reflective learning, case studies etc

Our technical team has wide experience across maritime, offshore renewable and oil and gas sectors, positions us perfectly to complete the following surveys, inspections as required by client.

  • comprehensive technical superintendent vessel inspections,
  • surveys and audits for technical due diligence,
  • pre-purchase inspections and
  • other bespoke inspections / surveys.


Company Details




+44 748 520 7372

+44 141 628 6569

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